Multi-genre music producer, VGM composer and all-around nerd from Warren, New Jersey. Featured in osu!, God of Rock, Dance Dash, BoomBox, Rhythm Horizon and more!
New Jersey
Joined on 12/16/20
debisco 2025-01-25 12:07:52
Update: Tom managed to raise $3k out of his $5k goal on GoFundMe, and is putting the money towards mandatory car and home repairs.
Tom and Katie were able to purchase another 100 gallons of oil for $400, which should last them another month.
Thanks to everyone who shared and donated to this cause <3
Update: Tom managed to raise $3k out of his $5k goal on GoFundMe, and is putting the money towards mandatory car and home repairs.
Tom and Katie were able to purchase another 100 gallons of oil for $400, which should last them another month.
Thanks to everyone who shared and donated to this cause <3